Looking For Great German Translation?

"Really HELPFUL – start here for all things German translation!”

Are you learning German, thinking about a career in translation, or looking for tips & resources to make your German translation business take off?

Perhaps you have a German text you need translating? Or you're simply fascinated about German as a language.

If so, you're in the right place! I’m Joanna, and I'm here to offer the advice and support you need.

Why listen to me?

German Translation with Joanna Scudamore-Trezek

Well I love German, I’m a qualified German translator and I earn my living translating from German to English.

I’ve spent many years and a lot of energy sifting through and evaluating all the information available out there.....what’s good, what works, what’s a waste of time...... to give you the sort of website I needed when I was starting out.

Want to get straight to it? Check out the some of the popular articles below:

German dictionaries
German glossaries & specialist vocabulary
Getting started as a German translator
Tips for translators
Tips on buying translation
Meet a German translator
Courses in German translation
German language & culture

Now for some good news if you're thinking about translation as a career....

German translation has a great future!

....more websites are written in German than any other language......after English, that is!

But even so, I bet you’re surprised!

And it’s great news for anyone wanting to work with German or offer their own German translation service.

Did you know that German is spoken by around 200 million people worldwide?

It's the official language of Germany, Austria and Liechtenstein, and a recognised language in Luxembourg, Switzerland, Northern Italy and Eastern France.

It's an official working language of the European Union, and spoken by large populations in the US, Canada, South America, South Africa and Australia.

As for English, it's the official company language for many German multinationals, while most medium to large German businesses will publish an English version of their websites.

English is the international language of scientific and academic publications and research, and the default language for communicating with non-German speakers.

All in all, that means there's plenty of work for German translators!

Work from home as a freelance translator

Have you always wanted to work from home – or got a taste for it after trying it out over the last couple of years?

Running your own freelance German translation business is a great way of doing so.

Communicate with clients around the globe from the comfort of your home (or holiday destination!). Set you own hours, choose your own co-workers, plan your day as you want to. Organize work to fit in with your life, and not vice versa.

Work the hours you're most productive, and never worry about being fired by the boss!

I’ve pulled together some resources to help you starting out:

Tips & resources for freelancers

I would really have appreciated having someone to lead me by the hand when I was starting out as a German translator over a decade ago! Back then it was definitely a case of learning by doing.

My biggest questions as a “newbie” to the business, and especially as a freelancer, were probably very much the same as yours. You'll find the answers to all these questions, and more:

  • What should I charge? 
  • Where can I find clients? 
  • How do I advertise my services effectively? 
  • What translation tools do I need? 
  • Will translation qualifications help me?

I’ve also pulled together handy resources, such as:

  • German dictionaries used by professional translators to create better and faster translations & increase your translation output. 
  • German glossaries for specialist subject areas, each compiled by translators qualified in these fields. Be confident that your translations are accurate. 
  • Free German translations for practising your translation skills. Benchmark your own language skills & judge if you’re ready for a career in German translation. 
  • Free translators have a role, even in professional translation, but usually time, money and reputations are saved by investing in human translations.

And useful tips on.....

  • Providing a professional service - the tasks involved, pricing methods, business conditions, everything vital to a success service. 
  • Essential software for translating and for organising your translation business. See what the translation community buys and uses, and save on business costs by considering free alternatives. 
  • Getting German translation jobs by joining translation associations and online communities. Learn from your peers and bid for properly-paid jobs from reputable outsourcers.
  • Starting out, including marketing yourself effectively with a website or blog – when it comes to raising your profile amongst potential clients, one is a clear winner.

German language & culture - it's more than just words!

Producing a good translation involves thoroughly understanding context. So I take a look at the cultural aspects of German in translation and German language as it’s really used.

Avoid embarrassing mistakes and produce better translations! Be aware of regional differences, false friends, local peculiarities.... the list goes on.

OK, enough talking!

Viel Spaß!

And the very best of luck with all things German translation!


German Translation Tips & Resources

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  • Use the social buttons below to tell your friends about us
  • Working in translation? Get featured with an interview!
  • Got a question about German translation? Ask me!

German to English Translation

Joanna Scudamore-Trezek

I'm a German to English translator living and working in Vienna, Austria. I turn German texts into clear and accessible English, allowing clients to present their stories, ideas and information to a completely new audience. My business and marketing clients rely on me to get their message across clearly and effectively.  How can I help you today?

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