Great online terminology resources for German legal translation
The subject of German legal translation is usually included under the heading of “general translation” rather than “technical translation”.
However, I would say that legal translation is a very specialized field indeed, with a lot of subject-specific terminology and phraseology.
You have to do more than simply translate a German text into English – you also need a solid grasp of the subject matter.
There's an added complication when it comes to German legal texts – different systems of law:
for the German translator working in Europe, much national law defers
to European law which is applicable to all member countries of the EU,
both English and German-speaking countries. How this will change following the dreaded Brexit, no one knows....
The European Commission issues an official EU terminology database of the legal terminology used within the European Union.
But when dealing with national law in a German-speaking country, research will often be needed.
In general, because the systems of law in German-speaking and Anglo-Saxon countries differ, translating German legal terms into English often requires some explanation as well as translation, and you need to be aware of “official”, accepted English translations for specific German legal terminology.
The word on the net is that it’s hard to find a good online German legal translation dictionary or glossary, but that the LEO online German English dictionary is probably as good as any, if just for the contributor discussions. I’d have to agree there.
But don't forget, there are significant differences in legal terminology between Germany, Austria and Switzerland – we're back to Context! Context! Context!
For example, I recently had to research the term Sperrschein.
I wondered why it wasn't turning up in my dictionaries until I realized this is an Austrian term - Germany uses Vinkulierung (restricted transferability - form of bank guarantee often part of leasing contracts).
Anyway, I've tracked down the following German legal translation glossaries and dictionaries which I hope you'll find a useful starting point:
TIP! If you have a German legal document which needs translating into English – e.g. marriage certificates, contracts, German patent translation etc. – check if it needs to be translated by a certified translator (gerichtlich beeidigt – officially recognised by the courts).
TIP! I often suggest the following sentence be inserted into a translated German legal text:
"In the event of any conflict or contradiction between the German version of this contract and its English translation, the original German version is legally binding."
Not an excuse for lax translation, but instead clarity for all parties to the contract.
Most professional translators are thorough and precise and will make every effort to ensure that a term has been properly translated – it’s the nature of the profession.
But even so, if you are a German translator specializing in German legal translation then it’s worth considering professional indemnity insurance, and adding a disclaimer to the foot of your translated texts.... just in case!
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German Translation Tips & Resources
Joanna Scudamore-Trezek
I'm a German to English translator living and working in Vienna, Austria. I turn German texts into clear and accessible English, allowing clients to present their stories, ideas and information to a completely new audience. My business and marketing clients rely on me to get their message across clearly and effectively. How can I help you today?